Monday, June 13, 2016

London Calling

Naked Bike Ride.

Got your attention. With another long weekend, I decided to journey to London, England. Arrived to the hostel early Saturday morning. After a couple hours of sleep, we ventured out to the Trooping the Colour - the Queen's 90th birthday celebration. I got to see her from a distance which was a cool experience. After fighting the crowd passed Buckingham Palace we found some lunch near Big Ben, then decided to tour Westminster Abbey - extraordinary, an absolutely breath-taking structure. While waiting for a bus, we got to witness the National Naked Bike Ride, to show the importance of biking instead of driving. Needless to say that was an experience I'll never forget - hundreds of naked people on bikes...

Sunday, braving the rain, the Tower of London was the first stop. Such an interesting structure - didn't know the king kept wild animals there - waited in line to see the Crown Jewels. They were, of course, gorgeous and sparkling - and protected in a large safe room, 3' thick metal doors... Sunday afternoon the London Eye was on the agenda. Gorgeous views, but construction cranes covered the skyline. Ended Sunday with a trip to The Old Red Lion pub which included uncovering a Trump board game.

London, you treated me well, but I was kind of disappointed. I guess my expectations may have been too high. It was a beautiful city, don't get me wrong, but I have never seen so much construction, cranes and trash in my entire life. Definitely still worth the trip though.


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