Sunday, June 19, 2016

Session 4

Well, my final, and most intense, class session has started! The first project was completed in a group of four. We were given a building that will be visited on our study tours and were to build a model as well as prepare a presentation explaining and showcasing the building. My group was given Säynätsalo Town Hall in Säynätsalo Finland, designed by Alvar Aalto. This was a great learning experience since I had never built a building model before. We finished up the project this afternoon and present first thing tomorrow morning!

While I wasn't spending my time working on the model this weekend, I went to Tivoli and to Malmo, Sweden. Tivoli is an amusement park in the center of Copenhagen, much different than that of amusement parks in the states. Trees, fountains and grass everywhere while the rides intertwined throughout the park. Such a cool place to spend a Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning I went to Malmo Sweden, actually to meet my Aunt so she could take some stuff back to the states for me, but I stayed for a few hours and explored the downtown area. Walked along the water and saw the Turning Torso - magnificent. 

Solid weekend at home in Denmark. Next Saturday we leave for our week long study tours - Finland and Sweden watch out.

What looks like the beginning of sunrise at 2 am Saturday...
Moon at 2 am Saturday... Same time as right pic.

First class sketch - Serial Perspectives - Pretty proud of myself.
Säynätsalo Building Model
Candy Floss for dinner at Tivoli!

Turning Torso in Malmo

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