Sunday, July 17, 2016

Countdown Begins

Well tomorrow begins my second to last week in Copenhagen... Crazy how fast this summer went. Even crazier the amount of stuff I have to accomplish before I leave July 30th. My list of places to go keeps getting longer and the list of stuff to do for my Urban Design project does the same. These last couple weeks have been incredibly hectic with project stuff. Site plan and sections and concept sketches and today started building the section model. Our last Visual Journal class was Tuesday, so glad that is over, my sketching abilities have stilled not improved after that 3 hours intensive drawing studio, but I guess I should keep practicing.

On Thursday I went to Grundtvigs Kirke, an Art Deco almost style church in northern Copenhagen. It's famous for the amount and style of brick it uses. Brick and brick and brass and a beautiful pipe organ. After that I went back to studio for a bit before getting lunch at the Glass Markets - traditional, delicious Danish Smørrebrød. My days have been filled with studio work ever since. Spent all day in studio yesterday and today, but rewarded myself with a visit to the National Museum today. It was an interesting museum, filled with more about other cultures than that of Denmark, but it was still a beautiful museum. 

Video called some family yesterday - my brother has an insane amount of facial hair. I can't wait to pick on him in person for it. My niece was 2 months old already on the 11th, nephew turned one on the 13th and other niece is 6 today! They're all growing up so fast! Can’t wait to see everyone when I get back.

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