Friday, July 29, 2016


Well everything has come to a close. Today is my last full day in Copenhagen and we celebrate with an exhibition of all studio projects and a social with all architecture and design students and faculty. It will be a long day.

I presented my final project for Urban Design studio on Wednesday. Besides the board falling down during my presentation, it did not go as bad as I was expecting. I got some great feedback, both negative and positive, which is what we look for in projects like this. I did not get the grade I was hoping for, but considering I had no idea what I was doing half the time, I'll take it.

I was thinking about everything I have learned this summer and the major point is that I have no idea what I'm doing. Compared to other students I met and worked with, my skills need major tuning. I am an average person when it comes to my skills. I'm not putting myself down in anyway, I know I have my strengths, but this summer showed me my weaknesses and nothing puts things in perspective than feeling completely incompetent. It has been a great learning experience and that is what this summer was all about. This experience has not only taught me a lot about myself, but also about my generation and my peers. We are a generation full of love and compassion, yet when it comes to large matters within our world, we seem almost insignificant. Our world is facing some of the biggest challenges yet and my generation is going to be the ones to face them head on. We're going to change world so watch out...

To have had this opportunity to study abroad has been amazing. I am so incredibly blessed to have the family and friends supporting me no matter what. I've met some great people, seen some incredible sights and eaten delicious food this summer and I already cannot wait to come back. 

Until next time Copenhagen. Thanks for being my home this summer. 

Urban Design studio - Some of the greatest, most talented people I've met.

Final Urban Design project - Square of All Senses

View from the tallest spire in Copenhagen - Church of our Savior/Vor Frelsers Kirke

Sunset over Nyhavn... Will miss this city immensely. 

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